Anti-Bullying Policy

Coalville Gymnastics Club

Anti-Bullying Policy



What is bullying

‘Kidscape’ (, a UK charity established specifically to prevent bullying and child sexual abuse, defines bullying as the use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person that results in pain and distress to the victim. It splits bullying into the following categories:

Emotional - being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting (e.g. hiding belongings, threatening gestures)

Physical - pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence

Racist - racial taunts, graffiti, gestures

Sexual - unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments

Homophobic - because of, or focusing on the issue of sexuality

Verbal - name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumors, teasing

Cyber - All areas of internet, such as email & internet chat room misuse, mobile threats by text messaging & calls, misuse of associated technology, i.e. camera & video facilities

Anti-Bullying Policy Aims & Objectives:

  • To state clearly the club’s position on unacceptable behaviour, in particular bulling and provide a framework for parents, gymnasts and coaches when dealing with bullying behaviour
  • To raise awareness on issues of bullying by promotion and implementation of this policy through open dialogue with gymnasts and parents
  • To encourage gymnasts to develop positive attitudes towards themselves and others
  • To take bullying seriously and support reports of abuse
  • Educate all members to recognise types of bullying

Coalville Gymnastics Club Will:

  • Create an open environment and provide adequate supervision at all times
  • Encourage children to speak out and share any concerns with the person in charge, the Welfare Officer or other responsible adults
  • Take all signs or allegations of possible bullying seriously

Responding to victims of Bullying

  • Anyone becoming aware that a child is being bullied will offer the child reassurance and try to gain the child’s trust
  • We will explain that someone in authority may need to be informed
  • We will Keep accurate records of what happened together with names of those involved and any action taken
  • Will always report suspicions or concerns to the person in charge

Confronting the Bully(ies)

  • Encourage and support the bully(ies) to change their behavior
  • Seek an apology from the bully(ies) to the victim
  • Inform the bully’s parents
  • Insist that any taken items are returned to the victim
  • Impose sanctions or disciplinary action if necessary
  • Report and record all actions taken
  • Provide support for the victim and his/her coach

Anti-Bullying Code

  • Bullying of any form will not be tolerated at Coalville Gymnastics Club
  • Members should support each other by reporting all instances of bullying
  • Reports of bullying will be taken seriously and appropriate action will be taken

Reporting Bullying

  • Members can report bullying to any Welfare Officer, Coach or Coaching Assistant
  • Reports must be passed on to a Welfare Officer and recorded
  • If the bullying persists, members should report again
  • Members witnessing others being bullied should report it
  • When bullying is reported appropriate action will follow either on the day or the next training day

Responses of Coaches, Assistants and Club Officials

Everyone in the club should be aware of the indications of potential bullying and should act in response to these signs.  Referrals of information to the Welfare Officer should be made immediately.

All club members should ensure that bullying or threatening behaviour is not tolerated anywhere in the gym, at other training venues or at events.

All Club officials should respond to bullying in the first instance by:

  • Listening to the victim
  • Reassure the victim
  • Offer continuous advice and support to the victim

In responding to incidents of bullying all members should take action when bullying is reported by

  • Taking action as quickly as possible
  • Consider whether action should be public or private
  • Make clear to the bully that such behaviour is not acceptable
  • Establish if there is a pattern in behaviour
  • Encourage the bully to see the consequences of their actions
  • Explain why punishment maybe given
  • Share information with appropriate adults
  • Welfare officer or head coach informing parents

The Head coach with the help of a welfare officer will decide on an action plan depending on the severity of the concern and specify a review date.  Sanctions open to the head coach are as follows:

  • 5 minute ‘time out’ child to be sat out from participation for no more than 5 minutes
  • Short term suspension – suspension from the next session
  • Mentor or buddy system for both bully and victim
  • Fixed term suspension from training – Suspension from training for longer than one session
  • Withdrawal of Club Membership and therefore from training (after committee agreement)

Anti-Bullying Strategies

  • Adults setting an example of good behaviour and manners
  • A continuous training Ethos that promotes respect for the individual

Discipline – it is made clear within the gym that bullying will not be tolerated and sanctions used will take into account the severity of the bullying.

Support for young members

Anti-Bullying Poster in the changing rooms

  • Members involved in bullying or threatening behaviour, either as a victim or bully is supported in order to overcome their problems.  Intervention acknowledges the distress of bullied children and gives reassurance that they are not to blame.
  • Welfare officers are available for members who are concerned about possible bullying
  • Members can report bullying to any club official
  • New members are made aware of the clubs anti-bullying strategies as appropriate

Support for adults

We offer child protection awareness training for all Club Officials, Volunteers and Coaches and also ‘time to listen’ training for welfare officers.  All new coaches are required to make themselves familiar with the Clubs anti-bullying policy.

All parents are encouraged to read the anti-bullying policy located in reception.


Monitoring & Evaluation


Welfare and anti-bullying measures are regularly discussed at committee meetings.  Welfare Officers and Head coach regularly review action taken in response to reported incidents of bullying.

As a matter of course a Welfare Officer records bullying incidents and action taken.


Coalville Gymnastics Club Anti Bullying Policy- Revised October 2020

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